
Lesson Thursday September 6

Today everybody has been talking and made excellent presentations of the issues from last lesson. I could hear a lot of well-spoken English in our classroom and moreover I am impressed by the fluency everybody has.

Today was also the start of a new chapter and we listened to the new text from Falling Leaves together. The novel is great and I hope the extract was enjoyable as well. Afterwards the students worked with the exercises to the text and we also discussed the answers to the questions on p 22 and 23, which was compulsory. Optional exercise for those who were quick was Vocabulary on p 23 and Language awarenes on p 24. We might as well discuss those exercises next week.

It turned out to be a nice and cosy lesson and we decided to have a role-play about crime and justice next time we meet. I also promised they would get some time to do some wordwork.

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