
Thursday September 30

A really cold morning. Autumn is here and soon winter. There was ice on the ground today.

Homework test today again. And then we did the högskoleprovet.

On Monday:
1. we will be starting a writing project and
2. some students are to report on the novels they have read.
3. newsreport by Jonas and Simon.

All students have to remember that they are soon to report on their novels as well as reporting on the news.


Monday September 27

Wow, today I had the opportunity to listen to some really good presentations about famous historical people. Everybody is excellent speakers.

When the presentations were done everybody worked hard with the exercises on pp 30-32 in th textbooks. Remember to finish this at home for Thursday. I will provide you with the key to them then.

Also remember to bring your wordlists with your ten words on Thursday. As far as I remember you were supposed to know synonyms and opposites to some of your words as well as explanations to others. Words to choose from you will find on p 202 in your textbook.

Last but not least, on Thursday the group will have the possibility to practise a test for the Swedish högskoleprovet. I have found an old one that was given some years ago that I´ll let you do.


Thursday week 38

Good to see the group again. But too many students were absent today.

Anyway, those present worked hard with their homework test and then we all went to the computers to to work with their research project for Monday. They are all really focused and good at working on computers.

On Monday I expect everybody to make a presentation in front of the group. Everybody in the group is supposed to speak and the presentation should be at least five minutes long. You may use digital equipment but you should actually speak for five minutes.

I am looking forward to Monday and a lot of interesting presentations of famous people from the English speaking world.


Monday September 20

A very smooth lesson. Everybody seemed happy and took part in the discussions with joy and livefullness.

Today we could watch the news from Skynews. Good! After the news we had some smalltalk in groups. A couple of groups discussed the election and the other groups focused on different lifestyles.

When that was done we listened to the new text (pp26- 28 )about student life in Great Britain and of course tried to answer the questions on p 29, exercise A+B and Exercise C on p 30.

Finally the students signed in for their new research project about historical persons. The presentation is due Monday week 39 and they chose as follows:

Janny, Negin - Hans and Sophie Scholl
Emil William and Ibrahim - Winston Churchill
Gustav, Nima - Mahatma Gandhi
Elin, Carro - St. Bridget
Jonas, Simon - Nelson Mandela
Jon, Adrian - Virginia Woolf
Oscar, Carl - Edmund Burke


Monday September 13

Today we have been talking! The role-play, Crime and justice was great and everybody was talking and trying to do their best.

Unfortunately there was no time for working with the words as I promised last time, nevertheless I hope you all enjoyed the talking exercise.

Thursday is a day off for you as the staff will get some further education. Asyou have not yet read that much in your novels I ask you to read for eighty minutes on Thursday.

Then we talked about wordwork and we decided to do ten words a week with handing in of wordlists on Thursdays.

Word work:

Pick 10 words (that you don´t already know) from one of the texts from this week
1) Try to find synonyms to some of them
2) Try to find antonyms to some other words on your list
3) Try to explain a coule of he words
4) Try to find homomnyms for other words and
5.) Try to find homophones for some


Lesson Thursday September 6

Today everybody has been talking and made excellent presentations of the issues from last lesson. I could hear a lot of well-spoken English in our classroom and moreover I am impressed by the fluency everybody has.

Today was also the start of a new chapter and we listened to the new text from Falling Leaves together. The novel is great and I hope the extract was enjoyable as well. Afterwards the students worked with the exercises to the text and we also discussed the answers to the questions on p 22 and 23, which was compulsory. Optional exercise for those who were quick was Vocabulary on p 23 and Language awarenes on p 24. We might as well discuss those exercises next week.

It turned out to be a nice and cosy lesson and we decided to have a role-play about crime and justice next time we meet. I also promised they would get some time to do some wordwork.


Lesson Monday Sept 6

Yesterday everybody was supposed to have found a book and the plan was to present it in class. Unfortunately did not everybody bring a book. We tried to find good books for those who hadn´t found one yet but only succeeded for a few.

We also finnished the handout Formal and informal languge. If you haven´t finished it you have to do that at home for Thursday.

The last task from Monday was to prepare for a role-play. Everybody was given a subject to study and be prepared to inform the rest of the group about on Thursday and then the role-play will be held next Monday.

On Thursday we will correct the handout, present the subjects about Crime and Justice and also start a new text in our textbooks.

Those who were absent last lesson have to come to me on the sixth floor and collect the handouts and tasks for Thursday.


Thursday week 35

A nice and smooth lesson. All students presented their artist and did well. Then we had a short speaking exercise from the textbook (p 15).

We also talked about formal language and the phrasal verbs and practised this in an exercise on p 16 in our textbooks. By the end of the lesson I handed and out about phrasal verbs and the students started their work on that. This will be continued next lesson.

On Monday everybody is supposed to bring a novel by a well-known writer from America or Great Britain.

American and British writers

List of British and American writers

Alice Walker
Charles Dickens
Charlotte Brontë
D.H. Lawrence
Doris Lessing
Edgar Allan Poe
Emily Brontë
Ernest Hemingway
George Orwell
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Herman Melville
J. C Lewis
Jack London
James Joyce
Jane Austen
John Steinbeck
Joseph Heller
Lewis Carrol
Marilyn French
Mark Twain
Mary Shelley
Nevil Shute
R.L. Stevenson
Ray Bradbury
Richard Adams
Rudyard Kipling
Saul Bellow
Toni Morrison
W. Sommerset Maugham

Alex Garland
Alice Walker
Carl Sandburg
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Dorothy Parker
F.Scott Fitzgerald
James Baldwin
Joseph Conrad
Joyce Carrol Oats
Kurt Vonnegut
Maya Angelou
Ralph Ellison
Ruth Rendell
Sebastian Faulks
Sylvia Plath
Virginia Wolf
Walter Scott
William Faulkner


Monday week 35

We started our lesson with a discussion about dreams for the future. Then we listened to the text about Bill Sprocket´s land in the textbook (pp 8-12). Everybody was asked tofind answer the questions on p 14.

For Thursday everybody has to know those answers.

Optional exercises for those who want to practise more are:
p 14 ex. B
p 15 ex. E
P 16 ex. F



Welcome to the blog of the English C course at Soltorgsgymnasiet, Borlänge.

In this blog you will be able to read about our lessons, homework and assignments.
Last week was the first wek of this course and we started off with a presentation and a bit of planning. The first thing we talked about was the dufference between formal and informal language, which is important to know in order to know a language.

In order to practise the difference everybody was asked to write a letter in two ways, one formal and one informal, and hand it in next lesson.